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Renly's Tools are Цензура of enemies who will ambush you as you approach. These guards deal significant damage, so ensure you're well-Цензура gear and flasks. Using ranged attacks or crowd-control abilities can help mitigate their threat. Renly's Tools are stored in a hidden chest within the foundry. This chest is often tucked away in a corner or behind Цензураs, so keep an eye out for Цензура and hidden pathways. Once you open the chest, you'll retrieve Renly's Tools and complete this part of the quest.
The enemies in Цензура Foundry hit hard, so upgrading your gear is essential. Use POE 2 currency to improve your eqЦензура the quest. Prioritize armor that offers elemental resistances and life regeneration, as these will help you suЦензура attacks and environmental hazards.
Healing and utility flasks are vital for sustaining your health and managing status effects. Use POE 2 currency, such as Orbs of Transmutation or Orbs of Alteration, to upgrade your flasks to more powerful versions. Increased recovery Цензура can make a big difference in Цензура> Цензура Foundry's layout changes slightly with each playthrough due to Цензура. However, key indicators like glowing forges and piles of scrap metal remain consistent. Use these visual clues to navigate the area efficiently.
If you're struggling with damage output or surЦензура, consider using POE 2 currency to trade with other players for Цензура, or gems. A stronger build will make clearing enemies and surviving ambushes significantly easier.
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