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Strong Weak, Strong: These formations have a similar structure to I Form but the fullback is offset from those on the stronger (side of the line of scrimmage that is joined with the tight-end) as well as the less strong (side that is on the line of scrimmage minus any tight ends). Think about the same strategies in I Form-teams that have sЦензура backs when in a pass or run scenario. It is important to note that these formations are known as Strong I and Weak I in the standard playbooks. Far Near and Far: These types of types of formations are identical to Strong and Weak however the fullback is placed close to the running back. Far Near and Far Near aren't very common. they are found in the Seattle playbook (or the standard West Coast playbook).
Make these teams similar to those you use with the Strong, Weak and I Form-teams, with powerful Fullbacks, or two sets of RBs. Split: Two backs will be lined up in a split in front of the quarterback. Backs are able to reach the flat with ease in passing situations. Цензура-up Цензура back but you could also utilize packages to include another running back in order to make it more difficult for the defense to know what direction you're taking with Цензура a passing play. Full House and Jumbo T The formation is a unusual set found within Green Bay's book of play.
The Full House has Цензура front of the qЦензура players can utilize programs to change the players (exchanging running backs with Fullbacks, for example). The additional backs could prЦензура or assist for passing. It's also useful to hide how you runs and who is the Цензура variety of choices. You can find Jumbo T within the "Run Heavy" playbook, which includes a variety of variations of Full Цензура is similar to Full House with three backs. However Three backs will be lined Цензура the qЦензураack: Unlike other formations, there is only Цензура line behind the quarterback.
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